A CDK Intern in a COVID-19 World


October 27, 2021

A CDK Intern in a COVID-19 World

Hoffman interns social distanced

Last summer, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies were forced to cancel their internship programs or rescind offers made to students. CDK, however, remained committed to providing an exceptional internship experience despite the challenges brought on by the pandemic.

By quickly converting to a completely virtual experience, interns worked on impactful projects, met with members of the Executive Leadership Team and participated in various service-based volunteer activities.

By creating possibilities for our cohort of 65 interns, we gave them an unforgettable summer! Cydney McCollum, product marketing intern, shares her experience of being an intern during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A CDK Intern in a COVID-19 World

The day I learned I got the product marketing intern spot at CDK was the same day my university announced it would be closing for the rest of the year due to COVID-19.  It would be the first of many surprises on what was to be an incredible journey! Thankfully, Texas Tech University prepared me for a virtual position due to the transition to online classes and having to learn to manage my time properly and to be responsible enough to complete my work outside of a classroom setting. 

Joining CDK Global and Fortellis

Being part of the CDK Global and Fortellis team not only led me to be more a self-sufficient and independent young professional, but it also allowed me to prosper in a position that was initially out of my comfort zone in the marketing industry. I was extremely humbled when I realized the amount of hard work, time management, industry knowledge, and interpersonal skills it takes to perform professionally in a high-demand work environment. 

People and Culture Make all the Difference 

CDK Global provided a cohesive, inclusive and educational internship program, with plenty of opportunities to engage with senior leadership and other interns, despite being virtual. One of my favorite experiences was participating in a special Leadership Learning Series with CDK leadership who shared their testimonies about their career paths, gave advice on how to strive for success and allowed the interns to stay curious by asking questions.

Interns also had first-hand experience in a CDK-sponsored virtual volunteer activity with Greenlight for Girls. This project allowed us to create and present automotive-inspired experiments to the younger generations on STEM careers. The entire CDK team has truly made me feel so comfortable with being myself in a productive learning environment and has given me the confidence I needed going forward in my professional career. The company culture at CDK really is like no other.

What I Learned This Summer Will Last A Lifetime

My experience with CDK Global the Fortellis team has given me the confidence to know that I have the capability to make an impact working for a global company. With the growth of my interpersonal and time management skills, I am excited to continue to prosper and learn. As graduation nears, I aspire to continue my career path with such an incredible company and am eager to continue learning more each and every day.

Tags: Culture at CDK, Empowered, Internship at CDK

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2022-02-08T07:35:21+00:00October 27th, 2021|Categories: Our stories|Tags: , , |

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